Saturday, August 2, 2008

Just Me.

Well this is me at the moment just finished downloading. Will now go and and put the bed on. Looking a little blonder, tieder and always enough gum to go around. Working at the Rat Hole still two days a week, can stretch the limits of energy at times, but it's good for a yak and catch up with people. Kids all good, animals all good, work all good. Anton off to Auckland this afternoon for a couple of nights. A bit wet and windy like the rest of the island so an early night with a milk milo and my book that I started this afternoon. Hope where ever you all are you are safe, happy and the scratching has stopped. From the Bluff to the Cape, loads of love, Looby x x x


NZ Toomeys said...

Oh there you are...Laughed at Nyah's nostril posing. Hahaha!

So is t true - do blondes have more fun?

NZ Toomeys said...

Oh there you are...Laughed at Nyah's nostril posing. Hahaha!

So is t true - do blondes have more fun?

Monique said...

Great to see all the Bulls Toomey's in good form...looking 'Hot' there Looby in true Paris fashion heh, heh...the Rat hole are blimin lucky to have ya!!

Looks like Nyah had a very cool birthday and what a groovy dad in his waiters tux!!

Hope you all keeping warm and dry down your Winter!!!