Saturday, May 12, 2007

Roped in again.

This is typical. My last friday off before I start working full time at school. Thought great, will be able to sit back and watch the kids race, not so easy. Got asked to be a marshall. Oh well at least I had a good spot to sit and take pics of myself waiting for the first runner to come. The things ya do when you are bored, should see the ones I had to delete, rule #1 never leave evidence lying around willy nilly.

1 comment:

NZ Toomeys said...

Happy Mothers Day Looby! Holy Moly - working at school. It sure takes a special person. As much as I love my own kids - the thought of looking after masses of them (kids belonging to other people not related to me) freaks me out! Are you 'teacher aiding' full time or is it a different role.