Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sunrise over Bulls

Just so you dont forget what the sunrise looks like when you used to bike to work in the morning, this was taken before 6am on many a morning when I couldn't sleep, so I made a coffee and took this photo just for you. A bit different to the roosters and dogs waking you up every morning. Will get some photos next time of Beulah baby for you, she is looking really really good, no more skinny girl the weight stays on good now, still a rat bag and beats up on Turkey but what can ya do.


NZ Toomeys said...

Gorge Looby, Just gorge! Read Antons letter last night and laughed out tits off. He writes just like he speaks. The beach in Timor looked beautiful - hard to believe that he is in a war zone(except for the bit about carrying a gun everywhere - still freakin on that idea)

NZ Toomeys said...

I'm blog taggin you Looby. Refer to my blog

for information. I don't usually do this stuff but this seemed like fun.

Monique said...

Give Connor and Shea a big pat on the back from Aunty for doing the Duathlons....and one for you for being a sucker and helping hee hee!!

Great pics when are you taking up scrapbooking again lol!